Our Beliefs

Our work is grounded in our beliefs, backed by science, about how kids grow and learn best.

  • Schools deserve tools, support, and skilled guidance to develop a mission and vision that is grounded in what science says works for kids and works for adult learners. Beliefs guide our intentions, our decisions, and our actions. There should be no mystery as to what a school community believes.

  • Schools experience success when every person in the school community assumes the role of a learner...and then uses that learning to lead students, parents, and colleagues.
  • Students are the best teachers. By asking them what they think, truly listening to what they say, and watching what they do, we become better, student by student. Our work is grounded in respect and admiration for our young learners.

  • Teachers need time, as all professionals do, for continued development, because doing right by all kids is a big job.
  • Teaching and learning should be systematic, student-centered, and explicit. It should also be joyful, engaging, and inspiring!